Social Class in Contemporary Japan

Hiroshi Ishida & David H. Slater(eds.), Social Class in Contemporary Japan: Structures, Sorting and Strategies(Routledge, 2009.11)


Social Class in Contemporary Japan: Structures, Sorting and Strategies (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies)

Social Class in Contemporary Japan: Structures, Sorting and Strategies (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies)

1. Social class in Japan
( Hiroshi Ishida and David H. Slater)

Part 1 Class structure
2. Does class matter in Japan? Demographics of class structure and class mobility form a comparative perspective
(Hiroshi Ishida)

3. Marriage as an association of social classes in a low fertility rate society: towards a new theory of social stratification
(Sawako Shirahase)

Part 2 Class sorting
4. From a credential society to “learning capital” society: a rearticulation of class formation in Japanese education and society
( Takehiko Kariya)

5. Social class and economic life chances in post-industrial Japan: the “lost generation”
(Mary C. Brinton)

Part 3 Class socialization
6. The “new working class” of urban Japan: socialization and contradiction from middle school to the labor market
(David H. Slater)

7. What color is your parachute? The post-degree society
(Amy Borovoy)

Part 4 Class strategies
8. Motherhood and class: gender, class, and reproductive practices among Japanese single mothers
(Aya Ezawa)

9. How ethnic minorities experience social mobility in Japan: an ethnographic study of Peruvian migrants
( Ayumi Takenaka)


ただし,こうは言える.“あの”緻密にして明快・明晰な計量的/比較社会階層研究が明らかにする「日本社会」像とはまったく異なる集合表象としての「日本」像のほうが寧ろわれわれの時代認識や日常的判断の基準に浸潤する(ように思われる)......なぜか? 集合表象としての「日本」像は,計量的/比較社会階層研究がこの上もなく緻密にして明快/明晰に描き出す「日本社会像」とはまったくの別次元において独自の変動の軌跡を描く(ように見える)......いったいなぜ?




